Monday, August 17, 2009

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Sometimes, at night after the sun is down, Gary and I take a stroll around the loop. Our loop is about 1/3 of a mile and lined with the homes of people who work with Gary or the FAA, or a local sheriff. It is so peaceful. There are no street lights and no traffic. Every once in a while we will see some of the seasonal Forest Service employees sitting on their front porch with a guitar but for the most part, it seems like it is our own private little world. We talk about the day and about our plans and about our kids. It's just a nice way to end the day.

Last night the stars were phenomenal. They were brighter than I can remember seeing them in a long time. You could easily pick out the Milky Way and several constellations. I wish I could take a picture that would do it justice. There aren't any city lights for miles and miles so it's like you are camping in the wilderness when they all come alive. As the days get shorter, we're planning on taking the boys outside to point out constellations and show them just how beautiful Heavenly Father made this world for us to enjoy. It's just one of the benefits of this slower paced life. We can walk together at night and enjoy nature at it's finest.


Amber said...

Oh how lucky you are!! It's true how easily we forget to take time and enjoy the things God gave to us.

Dani said...

That's awesome to have that time together every night!
I love reading how positive you have been with your big move....I should have been like that the past couple times we've moved! :)