When we first moved to Arizona, I was in the grocery store and saw the always fun Jiffy Pop so, knowing our gas stove would be a perfect compliment, I picked up a couple. I've been hiding them until we would all be home for Family Home Evening or some other great event. With all the fires going on right now, it's taken a few weeks for us to all be home and awake at the same time. Sunday night was the night.
I remember Jiffy Pop on our outings to the cabin up American Fork canyon. I loved it. As a kid, it is so fun watching the tin foil grow and grow while the popping sound mixes with one of the best smells in the world - popcorn. I always wondered why it didn't just explode!
It was fun giving my kids the same memories. They have never watched the process of Jiffy Pop on a stove. Tom and Logan got to pop it with Gary standing behind them and Ethan and Dylan sitting on the other counter watching and waiting almost patiently. I wish I would have had the camera on video as Logan's eyes grew along with the tinfoil. Then his laugh. We all love his laugh. It is totally uninhibited and from the depths of his soul. True delight. Tom's started about the time Logan's finished and his smile said it all. He was in heaven. He's at that stage where he wants to be grown up but still enjoys some of the fun kid stuff and every once in a while, if we are really lucky, that kid smile comes out. I love watching him try to hold it in and finally just giving in to the joy of being young.
The first picture made me want to talk out load to Dylan. It's like he was right here. Fun time when pop corn is involved. Can't wait to come down. :)
Not out load but our loud!!! Sleep drugs still in the system.:)
Best quit before it gets worse!! out loud
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