Friday, May 30, 2008

Kids make you humble

First day of summer vacation and being the "mean" mom I am, I had the boys at the table doing their homework pages for the day. Tom starts in on his math and asks me what congruent meant. This is something that I should know. I have a degree in Technical Writing. That term sounds technical. I passed college algebra with flying colors and even enjoyed taking it. It sounds like a math term. I strain. I search. I ponder. NOTHING. Finally, I resort to calling my source of all things I don't know - Gary. Much to my surprise, he doesn't know either and suggests, of all things, a dictionary. Do we even use dictionaries anymore now that we have the Internet?

For all of you now wondering what congruent means, I looked it up online and discovered it is two things that are exactly the same size and shape. Like two CD cases. If you can put one cut out on top of the other and it fits perfectly, they are congruent. It's a sad day when two college degrees have to get online to help with some second grade math!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I have to admit, I even knew what this meant.