Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So, one way I know it is suppose to be spring is my vacuum. Each spring for the past three years, whatever vacuum I have gets spring fever and decides it would rather spend time outside even if it is at the landfill. UGGHHH!

Today I got ready to vacuum and I know it has been picking up less and less lately but thought I was feeling lucky and plugged it in. I knew I was in trouble when it could suck up small pieces of Styrofoam packing peanuts that the kids had broken into pieces the other day. When I found myself bending over to pick up a string and then "loosen" it from the carpet and give the vacuum another try, it was over.

Once again I am in the market for a vacuum and this time I am leaning toward a more expensive, and thereby more durable right?, model like a Dyson. Don't really want to spend $450 plus though so I found a bronze model for just under $370. Here's the link:

I know, it's refurbished but really, $450 plus for a vacuum?

So, my questions to all of you are these:

1. Do you have a good reliable vacuum that can withstand two dogs and five men folk and a sand box?

2. Are Dyson vacuums really worth it?

3. Do you think I'll be replacing it again next spring and kicking myself that I spent so much?

Answer quick because I need to vacuum today or tomorrow - unless of course I order it online because I got a screaming deal and it won't be here for a while. In that case, don't look too closely at our floors!


Laura said...

Well as you well know we are in the same boat with vaccums. But after much research, and me being in the business that i am, I actully talked to a few of our professional cleaners. they are not happen with the dyson, and it is not worth the money according to them. I have heard the industrial panasonic rocks, and we also just invested in a new vaccum but i can't think what it is called, Anything with a bag or just 1 cartrige to empty the dirt is the best. Filters, hepa, allergy, pet hair filter bypass them they are evil and will cause you more grief than is needed. We have been told to keep it simple and basic. So hope that helps. we have loved our new one I will get you the name of it asap.

Laura said...

Okay so our new one is the Dirt Devil Reaction. we love it this far.

Adrianne said...

Okay, the Kirby guys...I know you know them. They made two trips to Kasiska in the time I lived there. Anyway long story short...I totally wanted one. Bryson wasn't about to spend a grand on a vaccum. Tammy Burch bought one-tried it out, fell in love. Got on Ebay. Bought a refurbished one for 1/4 of the price and love it!! No problems at all. Greatvacs...I think is what it was called. Actually a guy out of UT. Came with warranty. Let me know if you have any problems finding him. I think I still have the paperwork.