Friday, May 16, 2008

Ethan's birthday party

For Ethan's birthday, we had an exhausting drive around town. First stop, the playground on the other side of Pocatello. We never go there so it was fun to play on new toys. Next up was a trip to McDonalds. Finally, we ended up back at home to open presents and have cake. Buckling and unbuckling and buckling and unbuckling and chasing five boys around was quite the work out for Gary and me! Ethan wanted Brody's big sister to come to his party too since she is his favorite babysitter. I didn't think the park would be as much fun for an almost 11 year old girl so she ended up babysitting on his birthday after the party which made him very happy and gave me a chance to go to Gary's softball game where I froze while the snow, sleet, rain, and wind raised their ugly heads! All in all it was a pretty good birthday for him though!

Ethan's birthday cake. He wanted a train cake again this year.

Ethan, Brody Burch - his neighborhood friend we invited to come with us, Logan, and Tom at the playground we went to for his birthday. Dylan fell asleep in the car on the way there so he didn't even see the playground!

Me and my little man on his birthday! Boy I love this little guy.

Blowing out his candles. It took several tries for his aim to work. He had the blowing part down, just not where the air should be directed.

Ethan and his big brother Tom.


Unknown said...

Way cute train cake - how did you do it? Looks like fun!

Laura said...

you always make the cutest cakes.
thanks for Breakfast this weekend and letting us hang out. Your boys always seem to amuse us. we have so quality random photos on our camera, thanks boys. and thanks G&A for breakfast.