I'm pretty sure boys can get p.m.s. How do I know?
1. Ethan has been crying, or should I say HOWLING, at any and everything. He will cry if I ask him to go potty because, "I don't like to___________" (fill in the blank with whatever I have suggested from potty to eating to napping to.....) He'll cry if I can't stop changing Dylan's poopy diaper to read him a book at that very instant. He'll cry if Logan looks at him or talks to him or makes a sound or wants a turn playing the wii or...... Honestly. I think his week of p.m.s. better be about over!
2. Dylan has also been crying and screeching. If I ask him to not throw his food on the floor he will throw - and I mean throw - his hands in the air in disgust and then screech baby obscenities at me from the top of his lungs. This happens in some form whenever he is not allowed to do something. Call me crazy but playing in the toilet, pulling all the clothes out of the drawers, pulling plugs out of outlets, banging blocks on the piano, etc., etc., are NOT okay in this house! His week of p.m.s. also better be about over. Since they share a room and spend so much time together, I figure they are on the same cycle by now. :)
3. Logan is also experiencing symptoms. When I told him this morning at breakfast that tomorrow he would need to wear a shirt with buttons and not some old t-shirt to his Kindergarten registration, you would have thought I asked him to dress in a pink tu-tu and heels. When I added that since it would be colder tomorrow, he would need to wear levis without those hard earned holes in the knees, I may as well have added make-up to the list. AHHHH Mom! Do I have to?
4. Tom has started into the pre-teen phase already and has his moody and non-moody days. Mostly the moody days are any day I ask him to do things or the days he must spend with his siblings. Non-moody are those he can run free through the neighborhood with his band of buddies doing whatever they want where ever they want.
P.M.S.? I think so!
Actually, in the big picture they are all pretty good. I was watching Tom at soccer practice last night thinking, "He is SOOOOO cute out there!" and I catch myself saying the same thing about Logan, Ethan, and Dylan daily. I don't know how we got so lucky to have the most handsome boys ever but I think we did. Maybe it's not the boys that are p.m.s.ing. Maybe it's me!
Too Funny!
Yes I agree. They are sometimes worse thatn girls.
Ha Ha, you crack me up!! You make me feel so much better!! I always find myself saying how cute they are when they are sleeping or of course playing so nicely together!!
Definatley PMS! Ha ha!
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