Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The True Meaning of Motherhood

My friend, Valerie, had this talk on her blog and it was the perfect timing for me. So often I forget what the true meaning of motherhood is. It takes a talk from Sister Beck to remind me that there is so much more to it than cleaning bathrooms, making meals, doing laundry, getting homework done, etc. etc. It is an awesome responsibility that Heavenly Father has entrusted to us as women. We are literally raising and teaching HIS children. Thanks for the reminder Val!

Julie B. Beck said...........Mothers who know desire to bear children….Mothers who know honor sacred ordinances and covenants….. Mothers who know are nurturers, nurturing requires organization, patience, love, and work…Mothers who know are leaders. These mothers plan for the future of their organization. They plan for missions, temple marriages, and education. They plan for prayer, scripture study, and family home evening….These wise mothers who know are selective about their own activities and involvement to conserve their limited strength in order to maximize their influence where it matters most... Mothers who know are always teachers….Mothers who know do less….They permit less of what will not bear good fruit eternally. They allow less media in their homes, less distraction, less activity that draws their children away from their home. Mothers who know are willing to live on less and consume less of the world’s goods in order to spend more time with their children—more time eating together, more time working together, more time reading together, more time talking, laughing, singing, and exemplifying. These mothers choose carefully and do not try to choose it all. Who will prepare this righteous generation of sons and daughters? Latter-day Saint women will do this—women who know and love the Lord and bear testimony of Him, women who are strong and immovable and who do not give up during difficult and discouraging times….There is eternal influence and power in motherhood."

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today is our anniversary. Eleven years. It seems like we just got married in so many ways. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband. Gary is an amazing father who doesn't hesitate to teach the boys anything from drilling screws into scrap wood to scrambling eggs for breakfast. He is by far the best teacher I have ever met and I love to watch him explain things to our children or even me. He just has a way of making things easy to understand.

I also love the way he is so very patient with his crazy wife. The things he puts up with are......well, let's just say it's always interesting around here. He always puts me first and is constantly watching for ways to enforce that with the boys. I'm so thankful for such a gentleman for a husband and he is teaching our boys to be the same way.

It's great that eleven years later, his corny jokes still make me laugh and that he will come home from work at night and dance me around the kitchen. He keeps me grounded and helps me realize what is truly important in life.

Thanks for a wonderful eleven adventurous years! I can't wait to see where the next decade takes us. I love you Gary!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tom's Wolf

My little boy is not so little any more. Tom is almost nine and I can't believe it but then he will do something and I realize that he is getting older and more independent with each day. Tonight at Pack Meeting he earned his Wolf badge in Cub Scouts. Okay, so maybe Tom, Gary, and I earned our Wolf badge. He was so excited that he kept chanting, "I'm getting my Wolf!" on the way to the church. I'm so very proud of him! We'll add some pictures when we get them developed.

Friday, November 14, 2008

To Cut or Not To Cut

Every couple of years, my hair has gotten long enough that it starts to drive me crazy. I chopped it a couple of years ago and donated it to Lock of Love and I loved the shorter cut. Well, it's time again. I just made my appointment to cut it off in an hour and I'm freaking out! I know it is just hair and it's not like I do so much with it while it's long anyway but.......the questions are starting. What if I hate it this time? What if Gary hates it? What if I can't do anything with it? What if......YIKES! I'll try to post some pictures soon of my new shorter "do" if I get around to getting a picture taken that is. Why are women so worried about their hair anyway? It just grows back!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ethan's Latest Question

Here I am typing on my computer and Ethan comes in to ask me a question.

"Can you do a pirouette? You know when you stand on your tippy toes and spin around?"

Where does he get this stuff?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Bathroom

After living in our home for almost seven years, we REALLY needed to do some cosmetic fixes to the boys bathroom. For anyone who has ever potty trained three boys, you'll understand what I mean. Bleach based cleaners really only go so far. Between the potty training and the tub splashing, the baseboards needed to be replaced which meant Gary had to remove the toilet. While we were at it, I suggested we paint the whole bathroom and really freshen it up. So yesterday, Veteran's Day Holiday, we jumped in. I picked a light but bright blue color and with the white trim, tub, and toilet, it really pops. I have to say, I really like it! Today is just touch up for the paint color and tomorrow I will touch up trim and paint the trim that we didn't have to replace. It's amazing what $40 in supplies will do for a bathroom. It practically looks new! Now we just need to decide if the boys will EVER be allowed back in there again.

Monday, November 10, 2008


So Valerie tagged me the other day and now I'm suppose to list seven things people may not know about me.

1. I want to be on the Amazing Race with Gary. I think it would be a BLAST!

2. I love to play any sort of game but I am very competitive and really hate losing.

3. I really don't enjoy shopping unless I find amazing bargains and then I'm all over it.

4. Ideally, I would live at the beach with all the sounds and smells of the ocean.

5. I took swimming lessons every summer growing up but I can't swim now to save more than my own life.

6. I am a junk food nut. I love m&m's, twix, cookies, etc. YUM!

7. I really enjoy baking and cooking a lot more than eating it. I like to make pies and cake but I really don't like to eat pie or cake. Give me a cookie any day.

How Old Am I?

Logan said something to Gary the other day that was pretty funny to two people who are over 30 in this house. He said, "Dad, that is SOOO old! It is probably from the 80's!" If he only knew how young that seems now.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Now? He Wants a Pacifier Now?

None of my boys have been pacifier boys. Not for our lack of trying either. We put them in, they spit them out, repeat. We did this for quite a while. I think we spent a small fortune on different types of pacifiers trying to find one with the shape and size the boys liked to no avail.

About two weeks ago I came across a pacifier in the church diaper bag and since I was trying everything I could to get Dylan to be somewhat manageable for the last hour of Primary, I gave it to him to play with. He loves to play with them now. He'll walk around at home with one we found here and have it in his mouth or he'll pull it out while biting it with his teeth to make the cool popping sound he likes.

Gary and I think it's funny and since he doesn't use it to suck on for comfort, we let him have them. It is amusing to us that at almost 18 months old, the time most pacifiers are disappearing, Dylan has finally discovered them.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Dreaded Note from School

Yesterday, Gary took the volunteering shift in Logan's class. Last week, Logan made it perfectly clear he wished I was anywhere but in his classroom with all his friends. That kid. Gary surprised Tom and Logan at lunch and luckily they eat at the same time so Gary only had to eat one school lunch, not two.

Anyway, when Gary came home he told me that Logan had to stay in from recess to write a note to us. It went something like this:

Dear Mom and Dad,
Yesterday most of the boys in the class were not very nice to the substitute and it was partly my fault. I am sorry and I will be better.

I'm grateful for a teacher who would make them sit down and write a note to us and then send us a letter explaining what went on during class. We had to sign the note and send it back with Logan. Hopefully he learned his lesson and won't be one of the crowd anymore!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We Have Become "Those People"

For the last couple of years when Gary comes home from the deer hunt with a buck to hang in the garage, we have turned the majority of meat into sausage. This year, we wanted to go a step further and make link sausage.

We found another attachment for the trusty KitchenAid (I think we almost have them all now) and called the local butcher to find some casings to put the sausage in. Did you know you buy casings by the hank? It is enough to do about 100 pounds of meat which is twice as much as we had but that's how they sell them.

Once we got started, we discovered our hank was much larger in circumference than regular breakfast sausage - more like brats. It didn't matter though. Sausage is sausage and here we were making it ourselves. It is quite rewarding to see the finished product although, to be perfectly honest, I can't bring myself to eat it now that I've helped stuff it into those casings. The boys are digging it though!
Getting it ready to start stuffing!
Gary having WAY too much fun stuffing.
It really wasn't appetizing to watch the process.
The first round of links.

The finished product.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote Vote Vote

Today is election day. It's been a very long campaign this year it seems like. The sad thing is that by the time today finally came around, I had had enough of everything political and partially voted just to make it all stop! It was fun this year to talk politics with Tom a bit. He had been studying some of the candidates in school and would ask Gary and I questions.

I want to instill in my children that voting is a privilege that not everyone has. I am very grateful to live in a country that - even though it gets off track now and then - is run by the people and for the people. We are truly blessed to be able to just run down to the neighborhood precinct and cast a vote in a matter of minutes without the worry that someone will attack us outside the door or that, by voting for whom we like, we may be killed later like so many countries around the world.

So, whatever your party or political views, go vote!