I don't have much of a cold, just a few sneezes that the allergy medicine won't take care of but......
Dylan started having a fever yesterday afternoon and it carried through to today. He is sniffely and hot and cutting two molars all at the same time. The poor kid looks rough with his watery eyes and red nose and red cheeks. Even with all this, I am kind of enjoying it. He is NOT a snugly baby. Not when he was a newborn, not when he was a few months old, not now. This morning I just sat in my bed and held him while we watched Survivor. He just laid there and let me rub his head and play with his hair which is NOT like him at all. I do feel bad he is sick, but is it so bad that I am enjoying the time a bit too?
It stinks when they are sick but I do enjoy the snuggling too. They just grow way to fast that once in awhile it is nice to just hold them a bit longer.
I love it too when they are sick for the same reason. How can you not love it when your baby who isn't really a baby anymore wants to snuggle--it's heaven!!
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