Friday, April 24, 2009


Logan is my resident lady's man. You wouldn't suspect him at first but I'm pretty sure that is why his hair is so long and why he is so obsessed with it spending countless time in front of the mirror and wanting to use product. Yesterday he got an invite to a girl's birthday party. Tom would have been mortified at his age.

Logan's reply when I asked him what we should get her? "Maybe some more make-up because that's what girls like."

I know we will spend quite a bit of time at the store this afternoon picking out the right gift. Not because he can't decide. Not because he doesn't want to be there. Not because I have to talk him out of the star wars figurines or the guns. Because he wants it just perfect and that means looking at every inch of the girl stuff. I don't mind.

As if to reinforce my theory that he is in fact a lady's man, he brought home a phone number today from school. It was for a girl.

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