Friday, October 17, 2008

Up, Up, and Away!

OK, so the week has calmed down enough that I can finally post about last Sunday. It was amazing. At least it ended in an amazing way. Church was chaotic - we are practicing for our Primary program and everyone was squished into the small Primary room for two excruciating hours and I found out I had to plan pack meeting for Cub Scouts again ugh. By the time we got home from church, I was exhausted and Gary was going stir-crazy from sitting in that a fore-mentioned practice with a bazillion screaming kids.

Finally we had a moment of peace and quiet and were just getting settled in for our after church siesta when his work phone rang. I thought this was kind of strange because it isn't really the peak of fire season and people weren't working weekends as much anymore but whatever. When he was done, he told me that I needed to change clothes because we needed to leave. I asked him what I needed to wear to our mystery location and he smirked and said, "I'd wear all cotton fibers." At this point I made him tell me where we were going.


It rocked! We all geared up and loaded in to the helicopter and Gordy - the pilot - took us for a quick trip around town and then buzzed over our house so the boys could see it. We left Dylan in the hangar with a guy Gary worked with so the whole time I was freaking out that we left him all alone and what if something happened......I know. Crazy mom. It was so beautiful up there and I couldn't believe how fast we zipped around. The boys were in heaven. Tom and Logan had headsets on so the could talk with all of us and about 90 seconds into it you hear one of them say, "This is SO cool!"

Yep, Gary is by far the coolest dad on the block and quite the amazing husband. I had told him that I would love to go up in a helicopter one day just in passing but he pulled it off. It is one of the best surprises I have ever had. Thanks Gary for a GREAT Sunday!

Getting ready in the hangar before our flight.

Gary getting Tom and Logan's flight helmets on. Thanks helitack crew for sharing!

Do we look like Jedi fighters on Star Wars?

Tom in the helicopter mid-flight.

Logan in the helicopter mid-flight. Yes, he even poses while flying!

Ethan mid-flight. He was too little for a flight helmet so he wore some shooting ear muff things instead. Gary would just shout questions to him. I think he may have been a bit nervous but he'd never admit to it.

If you know what you are looking for - and I DIDN'T during our flight - this is an aerial view of our house. Our house is just a little to the right and up from the cul-de-sac i the middle. Look for the line of trees.

Walking back to the hangar at the end of the flight. The boys are all wearing their Forest Service Fire sweatshirts just like Dad and all the other firefighters.

The whole family on the ground again. It was an incredible afternoon. Thanks again Gary!


The Gray Gang said...

What a freakin cool dad!!! Now, if I am looking at the picture... I tried to orient myself, but... I can't! If that is the interstate running along the far side of the picture... right? Then my parents house is cut off. Or am I turned around, I've looked at the picture forever now, I can't figure it out! So... I am going to be in town the day before thanksgiving until Dec. 30, then we are going on a cruise, then i will be back for a few days! All in all, I will be there for 45 days!! I hope I get to see you guys cause i've never seen your little guy! Sadness.. I read Oh the places you will go to my Kevin last night. I love that book, and it reminded me of you guys seems as the message in the front is from you!

Burrups said...

That sounds so cool! What an awesome surprise!! Good job Gary!!

Angie said...

How fun!! I had to look at that picture for a while too, but I found your house....and I even live in the neighborhood!
Thanks again for making that mystery book for Tyler's wolf. You are so creative and are so good with all those boys when you have to fill in! Tyler loved it. Thanks!

Lisa said...

That is awesome. And the fact that it was a surprise to you as well is even better! You're boys are certainly lucky guys!!