Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fundraising Nightmares

Let me just start by saying I understand why the boys have PTA fundraisers. I know the PTA is important and does great things for the school. I know they need money to do that. I know they search for the best fundraisers they can. I know. I know. I know.


The boys are in the middle of a fundraiser for the school right now. The pool of potential candidates is very limited in our neighborhood. Almost half of the people living in our neighborhood right now are seasonal employees that won't be here when the fundraiser comes. They've had two orders from our neighbors and I count that as a success.

This fundraiser has an Internet option for out-of-town family and friends. Gary registered online and I sent out the mass email. My great Aunt Karen placed an order and sent me an email letting me know how many "prize credits" the boys receive. Who can't live without another downloadable game and book of puzzles? I checked their website to see how many orders they've received and it shows zero. I called and the nice lady on the other end of the phone says that she can't find the order. I have to send Karen an email back saying she has to do it all over or send me her confirmation number and I'll call the company again. How many other orders are out there in the black hole of the company's website? Grrrrrrr.....

Oh, and the deadline is tomorrow and Gary is out of town for the day. Won't get back until too late to deal with any of it. Of course.

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