Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Let it Snow

I am NOT a cold weather fan. I don't ski or snow board or do much of anything outside when it is cold but this year I am ready for it to start snowing. It is hard to get in the Christmas spirit when it is 50 degrees outside. The ever so trustworthy weathermen say there is a chance of snow today so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I should be waiting until after Saturday to hope for snow because we are headed out to cut down our Christmas tree but I think I am ready for it to start snowing RIGHT NOW!!! Is there an ancient snow dance we could all do or something?


The Gray Gang said...

if you find one, let me know how it goes, I'm willing to do a little dance for a little snow!

Dani said...

I am totally with you Aironn! I'm still trying to learn the perfect snow dance.... I like to put on my ski boots and walk around the yard, but it doesn't seem to be working this year!!