Monday, July 6, 2009

Moving Week

I can't believe moving week is here already. It's been a crazy few weeks full of all the things we've been promising the boys we'd do. We've been to Lava, had a water party with friends, 4th of July parade and fireworks, weekend in Utah, Chuck E. Cheese, bowling, and the list goes on and on.

Today the boys leave for Cousins Camp. The timing couldn't be better for us. I will pick them up on Friday on my way out of town. They are so excited that they are bouncing off the walls today and my sister can't get here fast enough for them. They will play and camp and have a great time with cousins before we leave for Arizona.

It's all bitter sweet. I am really excited for this new chapter but sad to leave at the same time. The boys went next door to say goodbye to Marge today and it just makes me want to cry. She is like the best Grandma in the world right at their finger-tips. Whenever they are happy and want to share it or sad and needing some space or just in the need of some undivided attention, she is there for them. What am I going to do without her!?!

This week will fly by I'm sure. Between last double dates with great friends and luncheons at work and last minute cleaning and organizing before the movers arrive Thursday, I'm a ball of stress. It will all work out in the end but the perfectionist in me thinks of all the little projects I should be doing or cleaning or organizing. By Friday, I'll be in the car and this part of moving will be all over with just a LONG car ride ahead before the unpacking begins.

Chubbuck has been such an amazing place to call home. The people are the best you'll find anywhere and the sense of neighborhood will be hard to replace. I am truly thankful for all the great memories of raising four boys in this area and I will miss it terribly but I keep reminding myself of the answer we received that the Grand Canyon was the right place for us right now. I'm excited to see what the next few years will bring.

A big thank you to all our great friends here and we hope you'll all keep in touch!


Angie said...

Aironn- we will miss you guys so much! It's starting to hit Tyler a little bit. He keeps getting teary eyed when he talks about Tom. He was a great friend to Tyler! But Tyler is also excited to have someone to e-mail. He wanted to come over this morning and ask Tom if he wanted to e-mail back and forth today. It was cute. If you come back up this way to visit, don't forget to stop by! Take care!

Burrups said...

We will miss you terribly too!! Take care and keep in touch!