Friday, July 31, 2009

Cub Scouts on the Edge

Here in Grand Canyon, Arizona, scouting is not a church sponsored activity. They don't follow the same age advancement dates, for instance. When we found out about scouts from a VERY enthusiastic scout committee chairwoman in our branch, she informed us that Thomas is now a Webelo and Logan is a Wolf scout even though he hasn't turned eight yet. She also let us know that today they would be meeting and having a day camp of sorts. I was excited! Two of my boys at a day camp all day and me with only the two little ones to take to Flagstaff shopping? Sign me up!

Bombshell. The "day camp" would be about one to two hours and they would really only be working on the Athlete Activity Badge for the Webelos den but it would also pass off some of the things they needed in other dens like the Wolf. After I came to terms with the fact that I would drop them off only long enough for me to go home and update this blog before I needed to turn around and pick them up again, she asked if I was going to be able to stay for the activity.

Hmmmmmmm. Let me think about it. Ok, thought about it. NOPE! Are you kidding me? I have two other boys and the youngest has done nothing by scream day in and day out for weeks now. What am I suppose to do with him at a scout activity? For some reason this particular person makes me grumpy. Maybe it's pointing out that Gary and I are the "babies" of the branch or insisting that she has a scout shirt somewhere for Logan when I tell her that I was going to get him one the next time I'm in Flagstaff because Dylan will also wear it. Maybe it's the way she tells me that the casual scout shirt the troop gave to Tom that I let Logan wear today because Tom had his day camp shirt was really suppose to be Tom's even though her son didn't even wear any scout shirt. Pushy people are really hard for me to take. Over the top scouters combined with a pushy personality when they just think they are being friendly? Well......

Usually I try not to vent too much on my blog but I guess I needed an outlet. We may make a journey to Prescott to visit Costco today. I hear it's about 2 1/2 hours on a windy road but it may be worth it since I haven't found the box containing the toilet paper yet and we are just about out of the Forest Service top-of-the-line one-ply that we were very fortunate to have stocked in our bathrooms before we came. You'd be amazed how long a one-ply roll will last!

Off to the Park to pick up my scouters.......


The Gray Gang said...

I realize you were venting, but I was laughing. i can picture this friendly lady in your branch. What a gem! :) Have fun at costco! Wish I was going too!

Burrups said...

I feel for you!! I have totally had a couple of duisy experiences with scouting. It will get better. Glad your internet is up and going so I can see how you guys are doing.