Thursday, February 12, 2009


When I picked Ethan up from preschool today, he had a bouquet of paper heart flowers in his cubby to bring home. The first thought I had was that this would be the sweetest bouquet I had ever received but not wanting to jump right into the thank yous, I told him how great they were. His response?

"These are for Dad."

I explained that Gary wouldn't be back for two more weeks but he was undeterred. They were for Gary. Not for me. Not for Grandma that is coming to town tomorrow. Not for his Emma.

We took a picture and emailed Gary and then he has the bouquet in safe keeping until he comes home.


The Gray Gang said...

He reminds me of a mini Tom! He is adorable!

Angie said...

That's something Braedon would do! So did you hear a kid almost "died" in Tyler and Tom's class today? I got a little nervous myself...this is the story I heard....Mrs. Adams told them if they start choking to put their hand on their throat and pound on the desk....that's what this kid did. Mrs. Adams asked if he was ok. He couldn't talk. All the kids started freaking out. So she either gave him the hiemlech (I don't know how to spell it) or pounded his back...I can't remember which one first...but the first one didn't work and did the other thing and that worked. Tyler said his face was starting to turn purple. After that he started throwing up, but didn't want to go home because it was during the party. I'd like to hear the version you got if Tom said anything to you...sounds a little tramatic to me!!
Oh, and did you see on the news...we are going to have junior high kids in 2 years?! I am not excited about that at all....

Lisa said...

How very sweet for Dad, but a little sad for Mom! What a sweet little boy.

Burrups said...

That is something Bo would do too. He is such a daddy's boy. Cute picture and cute flowers!!

bestofthebishops said...

So typical...haha! This little guy just keeps getting cuter!