Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First Day of School 2010

This year we have three very excited boys starting school. It's so much more reassuring sending off a kindergartner if he has two older brothers watching out for him. I still get a bit nervous sending Tom because each year it is new territory. We've never sent a son to 5th, yes I said 5th, grade before. I know he can handle it just fine. It's not him I'm worried about, it's his parents. Can we pass 5th grade again?

He has grown so much since moving to the Grand Canyon. He's taller, a bit more muscular, and those feet. Don't get me started on those feet. Is it possible that his feet really fit in that size shoe? Is it possible that those skis on the ends of his legs will ever stop growing? Is it possible that I will be able to wear his shoes this school year? He has also grown emotionally in the last year. He is so compassionate and loving and responsible and yet totally a kid that is excited to go out bunny hunting with a homemade spear. He is at one of those major crossroads in life where he is still a little boy but a pre-teen all the same. Too cool for his parents and most everything else one minute and wanting to sit and snuggle in the next. How can my baby boy be turning into a young man so quickly? I'm am excited and a bit sad and also nervous about him this year. Fifth grade will bring more responsibility and more fun. I know he'll excel and grow even more this coming year.

Logan, Logan, Logan. It seems like yesterday we were putting him on the bus to Lincoln preschool to help with his speech and here he is in "upper elementary" this year. He's climbed the stairs from 2nd to 3rd grade and is more than ready for what this year is going to throw his way. He was so excited to start school this year and at the same time a bit anxious. He'd never admit being nervous but his outburst and tormenting of little brothers gives him away. He was so excited to pick out school shoes that came with green laces and then to find a shirt that was the same color to wear on the first day. Such a fashionista sometimes. He knows his teacher from Odyssey of the Mind last year when she coached his team so that helps a little bit with the new territory. I love his strong will and his independent nature. I love that he doesn't worry what people think and can ride around the neighborhood in full costume of his choosing. I love that he is constantly wanting to learn and explore the world around him. I can't wait to see him develop even more talents and gain even more knowledge this coming year.

My baby is not a baby anymore. He's off to Kindergarten. Even though today was just a drop in open house day for him, he was up at dawn getting ready for school. He proudly stood by the "first day of school picture tree" and couldn't contain his excitement. I asked if he would miss me just a little bit and he assured me that wouldn't be a problem. We talked about how sometimes some kids - not you of course I reassured - would be sad on the first day of school and a bit nervous. We talked about the possibility of some kids even crying because they missed home. Ethan, my little caretaker, told me he would be their friend and try to make them feel better about being at school. Tomorrow my little man will board the bus with all the other kids from Kindergarten to Seniors and he will no longer be just mine, all mine. I now have to share him with the world out there. I hope they will love his beaming smile, inquisitive nature, kind heart, and energetic bounce just as much as I do. I am sending off my little man and I will be getting back a boy that can handle things all on his own in a few short months. Where did his first five years disappear to? How will Dylan handle being home without his buddy? What will I do without my little snuggler? I now have to let his teacher have the majority of his time and I get to cherish the few waking hours that are left.

At least I know that they will be there for each other. They are silly together, serious together, crazy together, Bishop boys together forever. As different as each of them are, I know they will look out for each other and enjoy seeing each other on playground, and most importantly acting like little boys together this year at school.

In just two short years, I will have one more little man at the bus stop waiting for the bus to come the first day of school. Will he look as little as Ethan? Will Logan be ginormous like Tom seems to be today? How much bigger can Tom get before he can't really sit on that little bench by his brothers and wait for that big yellow bus to come? Thank goodness I still have two years before I have to find out! Good luck this year boys! Your Dad and I are rooting for you!

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