Friday, March 27, 2009

The Farm Photos Continued

Tom, chillin' on the combine. He keeps telling me that when he's older, he wants to work on the farm for the summer. We'll have to see about that!
Can you say muscles? We thought the tractor may need a bit more weight in the front and added all 35 pounds of Ethan.

Dylan loved "driving" the four-wheeler. Tom was sitting right next to him on a bigger machine but to Dylan, he was the man. He could climb on and off by himself so that meant he was big enough to drive. Just ask him!

Logan hanging out in the wheel of the combine. Lo isn't a small kid if that tells you how big the front wheel on a combine is.

From top to bottom we have Tom, Logan, Ethan, and Dylan on a conveyor belt. They weren't so sure at first that climbing up there was a good idea but then we had to remind them they could climb to the top if we weren't there by them. Boys!

1 comment:

Dani said...

I love that picture with Logan in the wheel...pretty cute!